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If I Won The Lottery

We all daydream about what we’d do if we won the lottery and I have my imaginary shopping list ready to hand for when that day comes. There are some items on the list that come and go – should I have a Cartier watch or a Patek Philippe? Should I move house or just re-decorate? And I can’t tell you how many times I have done the guest list for my celebratory party. But one thing has remained constant on my list – my villa in Corsica.


I was lucky enough to work for a couple of summers on Corsica and the island completely seduced me – it is one of the most beautiful places I have ever visited with glorious beaches, stunning mountain scenery, great food and a culture and history that is quite different to mainland France.

Birthplace of Napoleon, the island is often referred to as the  ‘Scented Island’ and the smell of the Corsican maquis, the wild, aromatic scrub that covers the slopes, is said to be recognisable to all Corsicans, who claim they can smell the island out at sea, long before it comes into view.  This is an island with everything – the stunning coastline provides exhilarating water sports, it has some of the best beaches in Europe (Palombaggia was voted in the Top 10). For the sporty the GR 20, a long distance hiking trail that traverses Corsica diagonally from north to south, is considered to be the most difficult of all the GR routes and one of the most beautiful mountain trail in Europe. It also has fantastic road cycling – in 2013 it hosted the opening stages of the Tour de France. It even has a golf course at Sperone down in the south of the island.  It literally has something for everyone !

The interior is mountainous and I would definitely recommend a trip to Corte, the old island capital with its austere, granite architecture and the dramatic citadel sitting on top of a rocky outcrop above the town and the Tavignano valley.  There is also something for the railway enthusiast as you can navigate across the entire island on the Trinicellu (Corsica’s petite mountain train).

While I keep dreaming of my lottery win, I can get my ‘Corsican fix’ with a stay in the fantastic Villa Luna with its stunning views of Palombaggia beach and I will just about find time to review my ‘lottery party’ invitation list while drinking a cold beer and admiring the sunset from the comfort of my sun lounger!